right now

right now

Jun 8, 2011

First casualty...

The Yellow Pear tomato.  For a week or so I worried that it had a disease or insects.  No insects, and the stem I cut looked great inside and no milky or wilt evidence.  Upon further inspection at the base I see the stem is half torn just below the soil line so I'm chalking this one up to storm damage, since I had to go out there and tie these back up repeatedly.  All the other tomatoes around it look fine.  Oh well, no little tomatoes for me this year I guess.

Well, maybe one... I stole the one almost-ripe one off the plant, I doubt any others will ripen.  I'll pull it on Friday probably, I don't do 100º temps like what's expected tomorrow.

Here's what happened to the first tomato harvest yesterday:  wasn't much but it livened up the enchiladas!  If it would have been the first heirloom we would have eaten it plain and sliced, of course!

Eggplant seems unaffected by the heat, and is loving it.  The first eggplant bloom, and it looks by it's faded color that I missed the first emergence by several days.

Does anyone else have a dog that sleeps with their tongue sticking out?

I didn't get any sewing accomplished today, only the cutting for the pattern.  My day had some extra time stolen from me - I had a dental appt to replace an old filling and I had a reaction to the novocaine.  Heart raced, apparently I turned white and started shaking really bad about 5 seconds after the injection and passed right out for a few seconds.  Normally this stuff never bothers me, but apparently I had a new type of novocaine I've never had with epinephrine in it.  Now my chart has big red marks all over it for the future, but I was a little peeved since I had to sit there an extra 45 minutes having my blood pressure taken... don't they know I have pressure canning research to do?!  All was fine within 20 minutes after the incident, but I sure am glad I'm not allergic to bee stings and need an Epi-Pen for anything!

Looking forward to a book after the kids go to bed, the heat makes me so tired - and tomorrow will be even worse, heat index of 105+, blech!


  1. OMG! Erin the exact same thing happened to me in the dentist chair once! Oh I feel ya! It was downright freaky! And just like you described too. So I always tell them NO epenin-whatever in mine thanks! Odd thing tho, mine was almost 25 years ago! But that's what it was, never forget it! Scarey stuff.

    Don't blame you for planning and indoor day. Mine was mostly today too.

  2. Well, that was a scary dental incident! Geesh, I wonder if they see that very often? Good thing you're the strong sort or something like that could really shake you up! Glad you seem to have come out of it just fine.

    Bummer regarding that big, beautiful tomato. But considering the beating your tomatoes went through, I'm surprised you didn't lose more.

    Stay INSIDE during your gosh awful weather! Not healthy to be out in that heat. Stay inside and sew, sew, sew!

  3. I had an ENT specialist doing a sinus flush while visiting with his nurse. He hit a blood vessel in my nose, while I had my head reclined back, and the blood was running down my throat and drowning me. He didn't notice what was happening until I'd actually passed out! Stuff like that is scary.

    I'm having an indoor day, as this morning it was down in the mid-50s and raining. That's at least 20 degrees below normal. This cannot be June!Heck it's so cold I'm cooking a pot of chili and baking banana bread just to keep warm.

  4. You have tomatoes? How wonderful! Sorry for your loss. Our tomato plants look terrible. I didn't give them enough nutrients for the very long time they were under lights. It's taking them forever to recover in the garden. I don't think we'll have a tomato before Independence Day.

  5. APG, it was pretty freaky!
    Mama Pea, I asked if that was common and the hygienist said it wasn't "uncommon" but usually the reactions aren't instantaneous like mine was. I'm glad at least now I know and told hubby so he would have the info in case of REAL emergency and someone was wielding a big dose of it LOL
    Gran, that's awful! Very scary. I would LOVE to have a day in the 50's or 60's just so I could get caught up on that sweaty weeding that needs to be done :)
    Jody, we do have tomaotes! Just yesterday, and they are only 2 little plum size ones and hybrids, but just served to make me more anxious about the heirlooms coming in! Hopefully yours will recover and decide to reach for the sky, is it hot where you are?

  6. Wow that would be scary. Glad you recovered quickly and have no lasting after effects.
    That's too bad about that tomato plant. It was huge and would have produced tons.
    We are back to cold and rainy after our couple of hot days.
    I've never had eggplant. I've been told people either love it or hate it cause it's cooked wrong.

  7. Oh no! I had the same thing happen to half of my cauliflower. They just decided to shrivel up just below the soil line.

    How about cutting off one of the larger suckers and try to root it??? I'm sure there's plenty of summer left where you are.

  8. Who knew a dentist visit could be that scary - especially since I have a kid who carries an epi-pen because he's severely allergic to bee stings. Holy moly, dear! Glad you were ok!

    And as far as the doggie, none sleep with tongues out here, but gosh...yours is a cutie!

  9. What a scare! GLad you're okay. Occasionally, we find Big with his tongue out, but he drools. A lot.

    So jealous you've got tomatoes already!

  10. Sheesh, all this scary talk reminds me why I like to stay away from all of the medical professionals until I truly, truly need them. I am so glad all of you made it through your reactions & mishaps.

    Erin, that was your only cherry?!?! Girl, it is a good thing I am not closer or I would march on over and give you a good talking to, lol. Less of some of the other things, and 2 cherry tomatoes next year please. Just for insurance purposes. (Grin.)

  11. glad your OK-and after reading everyone's comments and mine -i think it is more common than they allow themselves to tell you,because my chart too says "no eppy but than my heart races from a cup of joe. Sorry about those little pear guys, damn storms.

  12. One casualty, well that is a wonderful thing! That is a 99% success rate. I am hoping for one success at this point. And yes I do have a dog that sleeps with her tongue out. And I cant help but go over and touch it. Then she wakes up and gives me a dirty look.

  13. Sparkless, I'm not a huge fan of eggplant, but it does wonders for keeping flea beetles off my potatoes! It's a bonus that it keeps on producing even when it's riddled with shotgun holes from bugs LOL. I do use it however, I roast it and blend it into my tomato sauces, it lends a creamy texture and nutrition without altering the taste, and once in a blue moon I'll make some Middle Eastern dish or dip with it since hubby loves it!
    Thomas, not a bad idea. Heat index of 105 today, so if I go out there tomorrow and part of it is still kicking then that tells me it wants to live LOL, and I'll try and root part of it.
    Mama Tea, it makes me wonder how many people out there are allergic to bee stings and other and also have reactions to epi? Kind of scary to think about!

  14. Ribbit & Jane, glad my dog isn't the only one! The first time I saw that I thought she had kicked the bucket LOL. She'll stay that way when she wakes up until she actually stands up haha!
    Kelly, I know, pretty dumb huh?! What's really dumb is that I actually have 2 cherry tomato plants, but they are BOTH in the same planter, so when the one went down in the storm it took the other with it! Tomorrow I plan on cutting the one out and seeing if the other is salvageable, but I doubt it!
    Judy, I don't know what I'd do without my 5-8 shots of espresso a day... I'm not kidding, unfortunately! I can't however, take cold medicine, now I know why!

  15. Oh no! Poor tomato plant! Your enchiladas look absolutely delicious! That is on the dinner menu for tonight! I've got several new babies at church and it is an easy meal to make lots of and bring to them! I am definitely jealous that you have ANY ripe tomatoes already!

  16. Sorry to hear about the yellow pear demise. How disappointing. I grew those last year, but not this year, although, I do have lots of volunteer tomato plants growing so maybe one will turn out to be a yellow pear. I did plant a bunch of tomato seedlings and two were lost to slugs. I hate slugs!
