Lots of random unimportant things to cover from the past several days, so lets get started!
Thursday night was Math Carnival at the kids' school, here's some scenes from that...
The kids play math games and win tickets to be used for treats, moon bounce, and the teacher dunk tank!
Parking was scarce, luckily I was able to find Subaru Row fairly easily! Funny how us Subarubies always park as far away as possible and hike in - it must be that "Subaru Love"... we are afraid of people rubbing the dirt off our cars!
I couldn't pass this up.... check out the HAIR!! I was trying to get a better shot with iphone but couldn't do it without being obvious, although I don't think "obvious" bothers this woman LOL
Right on cue, less than 24 hours after mopping the floor, I get this...

I had my first ever parent-teacher conference! I was extremely nervous, as this school has a practice of only doing them if there is a problem. Loch is in the gifted resource class this year, where they evaluate him for further placement starting in the 3rd grade at a separate gifted school, so of course I figured since I had a conference they were going to tell me he wasn't suited to the program or something. I wouldn't be that concerned about him being "gifted" except the change in his peer group has done wonders for him this year. His being surrounded with kids that are more like him has cut the bullying issue WAY down so far this year. I didn't need to worry! Both his teachers told me he is doing so well that they have sent in recommendations not only to the local elementary school for the gifted, but also the math & science academy, to be our decision which. I wasn't aware we even had a separate math & science school so I will need to do some research in the coming months. Did they switch this kid at birth? Where's MY kid? LOL...
I drove home in tears I was so relieved! Of course I know he's my smart little guy, but I am always nervous when I have to have a "conference" LOL... must be flashbacks from when I was a kid! As a reward for me getting such a good report on his behavior and work in class, I told them we'd go out to dinner, his choice.... and he picks Golden Corral. What is it with that place and kids?
You can tell he's still just a regular kid by his choices for dinner (I also let him choose what he wanted to eat)!
"Cracker Soup"??
Below we have my plate vs. his plate, all the food is the same color! Do any of you struggle with your kids' dinner plate color palette?
Randomly moving on - girls knitting night at my house. No knitting ever really gets done, and come to think of it, it's not even truly a girls' night since we have all the boys and all we do is yell over them all night! Another friend J came over too and brought this...
Her grandmother passed away some time ago and she got "the stash" but she doesn't know how to knit so she's trying to get the hang of it. I had to take a photo, her grandma has needles in EVERY size, the flexible ones, in a cute case, too! There's a lot of money in that collection. She also inherited some pretty advanced "in-progress" projects that were neat to see.
Remember these? Haha, watch out for tacky potholders made by children for Christmas! What a great way to keep them out of my hair while I work on MY stuff!
This morning I actually had a few green tomatoes outside to come in and ripen
The next couple of photos are for Mama Pea!
She was interested in my high-tech double stranded knitting yarn feeder LOL
She also commented the other day that she spent so much time being afraid of knitting cables, and for what? After the past day, I have to say I agree, they're lots of fun!
I wonder if this means I'm an "intermediate knitter" yet? Probably not, there must be some law or test on that :)
See what else is in the basket? I got my first pair of "old lady knitting glasses"! That must fulfill one of the regulations to becoming an "intermediate" knitter, right?
Tonight I will definitely be "socking" again. Rainy and overcast outside so nothing going on garden-wise today.