and it's still coming down!
A military spouse's take on blooming where you are planted. I continue to pretend I am living on my dream farm while in reality, I live on a military base, gardening in a plot alongside a Navy flightline, with half of my homesteading supplies perpetually packed in boxes and have a habit of being overly involved in every community we live in. I'm a busy mom to 2 boys and a spouse to a Navy sailor soon nearing retirement. I love this chaotic life wouldn't trade it for anything!
right now

Dec 4, 2010
Dec 2, 2010
Running on empty!
I know this has got to be getting old, but all I have to offer yet again is a bunch of random stuff! I didn't get half of my to-do list done this week because I had Thing 1 out of school sick one day, then Thing 2 out of school the next, meetings for the squadron's family support group, music lessons, laundromat, and a karate class that is a complete waste of hard earned money, I'm kicking myself for taking a break from their swimming for this - at least they love swimming and had an instructor that knew how to deal with kids. I got as far as scoring an appointment for a haircut (half the battle), and ordered the tires for the car (they will hopefully be in tomorrow or Saturday at the latest).
I do however, have an excuse for being completely scatterbrained... hubby is coming home VERY SOON now! I have so many things going on, all of them kind of small and not stressful, but being that I'm the only one checking things off the list, combined they are overwhelming me.
But here we go:
this week I got ONE sock done :)
Finn consented to be my model for my first hat on circular needles! I still don't like them, but at least I've done it, the worst part is over. This was supposed to be a "Rasta Hat" but it was looking a little long in the back for a gal my age so I started decreasing pronto and was left with a kind of Rasta Beret if you get my drift LOL...
Did a quick little carseat type blankie for my niece in Minnesota
This was what she looked like this time last year, and I can't wait to see how much she has grown! A proper uniform for a Minnesota girl if I ever saw one!
(I couldn't get this one the right size in blogger to be in focus!)
Tonight battling traffic - this trip to music lessons normally takes me 10 minutes, it took 45 today. It seems that when they trim the buildings in lights everyone must slam on the brakes and gawk...
This is one freaky stuffed sheep, everywhere I turn, there it is - kind of like the Mona Lisa's eyes...
A tomato in December? You bet. This was found attached to a vine on the ground that had escaped the big cleanup, it had 2 attached to it so I brought them in the house and this one actually ripened! Pretty sure the taste isn't stellar though.
Be still my heart...
Now it's back to knitting tonight. My friend L is as obsessed as I am, she usually calls me about 10 pm needing a break from it, last night she was ranting about her fingers, she has bandaids all over from cuts and callouses! We are both a little "obsessive" and tend to get violent with the crafts when things don't go our way:) !! She also has a sewing machine that she walks wide circles around avoiding it :)...there should be a 12 step program for us!
I don't expect I will even look at my seed catalogs until after the New Year, so thanks for bearing with my randomness! This week I am really trying to eat like a rabbit since the winter temps are here to stay now and my lettuce and spinach is not long for this world!
This is kind of long and boring, but I wanted hubby to see his dogs doing their regular thing...
Dec 1, 2010
Yesterday was the official end of hurricane season for us, and apparently we are celebrating with some very wild weather! The storm that has been on the news is scheduled to come through here starting in about 2 hours, so I'll be turning off the computer to save it from any lightning strikes and power surges so I figured I'd better check in now!
Flood warnings, tornado warnings, high winds, rain - what's the difference hurricane season or not LOL?
We hit the high of 68º (odd) at 6 am and we are supposed to drop like a rock into the upper 30's by the end of the day, and we had a hard freeze 2 nights ago... all this weather is not helping my kids, I had a sick kid home yesterday and the other woke up last night with a crouplike sounding cough. We sat outside on the front steps in the middle of the night in the 65º damp air and it seemed to help so that's probably what it is, he's prone to it. I'll keep him home today.
I'll leave you with a photo of our tv screen last night...
It's nice to know that things I enjoyed as a kid are still just as entertaining for kids today!
I know many of you dealt with this crazy weather system moving through, hope it left your homes & gardens intact in its wake!
Nov 28, 2010
sighted today...
more decorations going up!
and... found a use for the empty wine bottles I'm so fond of keeping around for "I don't know what" purpose! No stretched out socks from clothespins, and I expect this will be faster than laying on a towel.
Handknit socks are all clean, but my kitchen smells like a wet sheep now! Guess I'll have to get used to it since I'm obsessed with knitting them :)
Cleaned house ALL day.... boring! This week will be super busy with the kids activities, laundry (which is now a big hassle!), tire appt for car, hair appt for me, must try and get new prescription for glasses before I commence driving 1200 miles, school horticulture program meeting and also.... I graduate Friday morning as a full-fledged Master Gardener! (I have been an "intern" the past year) - this week is sure to fly by!
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