On this 3rd week of the kinderGARDENS Contest, my kids chose their seeds for the "Green Roof" project and planted them. We also constructed a trellis over the top of the fort for the plants to grab on to (mommy helped with this job!).
Here's what went on this past weekend:
Kids picked climbing plants from my stash. They chose 2 types of Nasturtium, Malabar Spinach, Snake Gourds, Pole Beans and 2 types of miniature pumpkins (I had to talk them out Jack o-Lantern's for obvious weight issues!), I think we may have to reinforce the trellising as the season goes on depending on how many pumpkins and gourds the vines are carrying, but I promised the kids they could grow what they wanted, grrrr!!

Getting ready to plant
They also planted a couple of my Amaranth seedlings on my suggestion that they might look cool spilling red flowers over the non-climbing side of the planter box. "Oh, cool! Like a waterfall of BLOOD" was the reply I got... some day I will get used to the way boys' minds work!

Watering the seeds - the lugging of a watering can up to the top of the fort wasn't taken into consideration at the planning stage, LOL!

We used some roll fencing for the plants to begin their ascent up the roof!

Now we wait... watch Week 4 for a germination update!
It has been fun checking out everyone else's blogs, I showed my oldest how to get to the sidebar to check out the other kids' projects, he loves it! My youngest asked if he could stay home from school and "watch the plants grow". Hmmm, is that like watching paint dry? I think he better go to school, LOL!
Our Previous Week kinderGarden Updates:
For a link to everyone participating and their updates, link here to visit The Inadvertent Gardener and page down to the participants' update buttons. Fun stuff! And thanks Kim, for profiling my blog there, it's nice to know that others can relate to me - as a blogger sometimes I feel like maybe I'm just off in space talking to myself, LOL!