Yes, I'm still here, and thanks to those of you who inquired! I have the real-deal FLU! Figures, my appt for a flu shot was in 2 weeks. Luckily the headache is gone and I am just left with the aches and pains. I am up moving around today but will probably be another week before I'm back up to my old self again.
Hot baths, blanket, couch and books, that's all that has been going on here. The garden is a mess, we had 8 inches of rain yesterday, breaking a record, and to that is added another 5-6 inches in the 3-4 days prior so I guess I picked a good week to be sick if it had to happen.
The kids briefly ran a fever on Tues & Wed but seemed to slough off whatever it was and are fine, thankfully. I HATE being sick and being the only adult to care for the kids, I just want to rest and I wish hubby was home to pack lunches, make dinner, take them to lessons, do homework, etc! Not just wishful thinking, either - he'd do it!
Marley the wonder dog is still sick from whatever she ate during the BBQ last weekend. No obstructions were noted on x-ray but it has been 5 long days of problems for her so I am having to feed her a bland diet and shuffle outside in the rain every 20 minutes with her to analyze her bowel movements, or lack thereof! All night long! Needless to say I haven't been getting enough rest. If she doesn't improve in the next 24 hours we will have to go back in for another check and tests.
Funny story for you (not so much for me!) - Last night all I could think about was having a nice Minnesota-Finnish Sauna to sweat this out but I had to settle for a hot bath. The kids' room is where the deep tub is so I ran a nice hot bath, put some menthol oil in there, soothing music, and prepared to relax - it was not to be. CRASH! I was hit in the head with a suction cup basket that fell on me and suddenly I was relaxing with every McDonald's Happy Meal toy issued in the past 4 years!
Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the BUG!
I wish I had a laptop then I could read all the blogs I am behind on! I am a "desktop" girl, but during times of illness I can see the benefits of a laptop!