Conversation #1 "Who's on First?"
Finn: walks into kitchen announcing "Grandma is your MOMMY!"
Me: "EXACTLY!" (yay, he finally gets it!)
Finn: "But I thought you said she was my grandma"
Me: "she is, and she is my mommy, too"
Finn: "so whose kid is Grandpa's?"
Me: (sigh) this is getting old
Loch: yells from the other room "we are all a family, it doesn't matter whose kids is whose!" (me thinking wha? are we in West Virginia now?)
Finn: "If you are grandma's kid, why don't you live there?"
Conversation #2 "Why Ask Why?"
Me: (it's 10 am and they are playing Legos still in their jammies) "you boys go get dressed and brush your teeth now"
Finn: "WHY?"
Me: "Because I said so."
Loch: "Are we going somewhere?"
Me: "No."
Loch: "then howcome?"
Me: "because it's 10 am and you look lazy like that, now get dressed and ready"
Finn: "what are we getting ready for?"
Me: "ready for ANYTHING, now just go do it!"
Loch: "well, what might happen if we weren't ready?"
Me: "what if your uncle called and said 'hey, I'm in town come and get me' and we couldn't do it just because you weren't dressed yet?"
Loch: "I don't think so, isn't he over doing a war or something?"
So there ya go, this was only a 24 hour snippet! That's why we need more girls' nights! And lots more wine, one bottle is clearly not enough when dealing with these children LOL! Last night was very appreciated, even if we didn't get too much knitting done. I got about 10 rows done and watched L cast on and knit the same row about 10 times, but whatever, it was nice!
Other funny (to me) observations last night: we got home about 10 pm, which is a late night for the kids so I told them to go straight to their rooms and put warm jammies on because I'm NOT turning on the heat yet. I go in there to check on them and see Finn like this:
Is he putting jammies on or getting ready for the Iditarod?!
To put things in perspective, it's only getting down to the 50's at night and still mid-upper 60's during the day and the house temp is 66º, this is my one month so shut down that heatpump and save some $$!
Left one of my knitting needles at L's house, ooops! That was just insurance that we have to go back soon and do it again. No gardening today, the wind is gusting about 45 mph out there so I am tackling the sewing machine today and the kids' Halloween costumes. Of course here I am procrastinating by blogging:)