Ok, I've done all I can do! My day went like this...

Finally got the rest of my seedling trays and pots washed
Notice I did have a dining room table in there that was useless since nobody could slide their chairs in and out to actually sit at the table!

A gazillion trays and pots take up considerably less space when not strewn about the house!

Then I turned a tiny linen closet into my canning closet. I can't believe it all fit, the shelves are only about 9 inches deep. All my jars, pickling junk, freezer containers, dehydrator and food saver fit and still had the bottom 2 shelves for seed starting paraphenilia, or should I say "growhouse paraphenilia"... it sounds so much more exciting that way, teehee! As for the linens? Who needs linens anyways?

Right across the little hall from the canning closet is my wicked cool poster that has everything you need to know about starting anything from seed and companion planting - bonus is that it's a nice conversation item for anyone standing in the little hallway waiting to use the bathroom during a party! (See how the rule of dual purposes plays out everywhere?!)

Next the kitchen table got the boot back into the living room...

But now all my appliances are actually in the kitchen! Major victory, unless there are those of you who like the college feel with the kegerator in the living room... I am not one those! And getting my deep freeze out of the living room? I might actually look in there now...
What you see above is a stainless prep table (I cannot live without this table during tomato season) with 2 stools brought down from the attic, deep freeze is behind there, cart with appliances, & kegerator - all previously not in the kitchen! I find that when my appliances and tools are hidden in cabinets or away in closets I completely shut down and cease preparing anything that resembles a nice meal. I am one who likes a very unfitted, moveable kitchen with all my tools within reach, and now my breadmaker is out - yippee! Maybe I will start using it now...

Showing the right side of the kitchen, the shelves on the back right hold all our cereals, snacks, baking ingredients, serving dishes, and my sushi barware addiction. When I look at the picture, it looks bigger than it is, that area in the back, the "eat-in" area is only about 4 ft by 9 ft, so not much!
I am completely exhausted now, (I even cleaned the tops of the cabinets- yuck!), but now I can say, bring on this weeks' strawberries and peas, it's time to make jam and freeze garden goods, and now I finally feel that I'm ready! And hubby, good news... I have staged the dehydrator in an easy to get to location and I think I will now be able to make you some jerky and dried strawberries!