right now

right now

Mar 29, 2012

I know it's not Dec 21st yet...

I'm still here :)

I've been M.I.A. for about a week now and it isn't because I didn't want to sit down and blog, I've just been crazy busy here!  Kids, school activities, church activities, after school activities, plants.....arrrrrrgh!  I've also decided to join Judy of My Freezer is Full and get zombie-ready by exercising more often.  Lucky for me zombies look to be pretty slow :)  So far the exercising has consisted of long walks with the dogs and closet cleaning.

I'm still running like crazy, Finn has a school play this evening I have to get ready for, but here's a brief look at my past week in photos:

The girls at the start of our walk:

We've been walking several miles every morning down at the beach.  We have to get our dog time in here before they are banned because of tourist season.  Stupid laws :(

I spy, with my little eye...

an egret!

The neurotic dog thinks this bridge is okay, no gaps to see the water through LOL

Our turnaround point:

HA!  Take that you ankle chasers... 3-4 miles looks like a good stopping point for a herding dog, they were down for the rest of the day!

Finn had a birthday party down the street the past weekend, a little girl in his class.  I let him go by himself, Mr. Independent :)  (Of course I could see him the whole way though!)

Now the jungle... I need an intervention as usual.


Spilling onto the floor...

Check out this bargain - $20 and came with the plastic cover!

Of course it promptly fell over in the wind yesterday and smashed some of my tomatoes.

Lesson learned, I tied it to the deck railing today :)

We have had a pretty cold week, night temps in the 30's and days in the 50's curbed my hardening off for a few days, but I'm back at it again today.  I just wish the 35 mph winds would relax for awhile, but it's always so windy here.

During the cold spell I decided to clean closets and proceeded to empty them all out into a pretty good replica of Devil's Tower - then it got nice out and I didn't want to work in the house anymore.  Ugh... I need to finish that asap!

Another random post to come soon!