Mondays always seem to be my catch-up post, and everything is always random on Monday... I'll need to think of a catchy phrase for this day of forgotten photo downloads!
The past few days of unrelated things going on around here:
The kids have me constantly making Jane's Gr@pe Nuts, they can't get enough of them! This time we used some local honey for sweetener and I sprinkled a bit of cinnamon on top. This is the first recipe I'm going to allow the kids to make from start to finish by themselves, with me supervising of course, but I think it may have to wait until school is out so they have enough time to do it. If you haven't tried the recipe yet, what are you waiting for?!!!
The kids love crumbling the mixture before it goes in to start oven drying for the crunch...
The finished cereal:
Friday's thrift store find - loving this skirt and sweater... only $2! My favorite colors and when I inevitably spill olive oil on it as I always do, I won't feel so bad.
Hubby's Subaru got a spa treatment, new catalytic converter and harmonic balancer. Combined with the new timing belt and tires she got for her 105K birthday, I think she may be ready for another 100K...
Marley sat in the back seat while daddy worked on the car
Mother's Day was uneventful, it rained! BUT... look at Finn below - I could hardly believe it, he swept for me! Only a little bit, but I was in shock LOL.
Since it rained, we decided to take a trip out to the feed & seed store. Although ours is a typical "city feed and seed" so it's very small, it's still better than any other type of store I could have found myself in.
Wishful thinking...
I hate having to tell them no when it comes to chickens, but we just aren't ready! Now we are in a critical few months where we might find out if hubby's career path in the military is taking a different turn and so it's not a good time to be building coops and committing to anything property-wise.
All I needed was birdseed, but I got caught up trying on some new hats for the garden, and lucky for me the expensive ones didn't look very good on me, but the one marked $4.99 was just perfect! Below is Finn doing his Minnie Pearl impersonation. I'm not sure if I'll get it back from him!

Today I decided to take the day off from garden chores and sew after the regular morning house chores were done. Yikes, it appears I have forgotten how! I had no plan, couldn't even decide between making a dress, an apron, a purse or a quilt. I forgot that I "needed a plan"! After staring at a bag of scraps for 30 minutes, I just decided to wing it and make a couple of potholders. The big blister on my hand last week let me know that these were needed greatly! They came out kind of lame, but I admit I cut them without measuring and just slapped them together. This little project didn't do much for my desire to sew something since I didn't have either a plan or the proper time to devote to a bigger project. I'll just have to come to terms with the fact that sewing & spring/summer gardening don't really go together, I just don't have the time.
What is one thing you like to do that you find you don't have time for during garden season?