The weekend started off with hosting a spur of the moment sleepover for Loch and his friend from school. I wish I could they could donate some of their energy to us grownups, I was exhausted just watching them!
After dinner we lit a fire for roasting marshmallows. Finn and his buddy T were included too, of course!
Just what they need, sugar...
We spent most of the evening watching them run around with swords, water guns, jumping off the fort with boxing gloves on and other dangerous boy activities. As much as we really needed cocktails by then, we held off in case we needed to make a trip to the E.R.!
Hubby then set up the tent for them... this didn't last long however, they were telling scary stories and ended up inside.
Saturday morning we took a trip out to my favorite nursery way out in the sticks, but the drive is so worth it, they have thousands of native plants and hard to find stuff. Both the kids were a little whiny from their late night, but they made it through.
Finn holding one of my new hollyhocks!
Hollyhocks are something I've always wanted to grow, but never wanted to wait, kind of like asparagus & rhubarb LOL - but I saw these and had to have them.
Loch's looking a little sleepover-hungover this morning, don't you think?
Oh, and I hired a gardener...
Ha ha, just kidding! That's hubby finally getting after the hugely overgrown prostrate rosemary hedge. Loads of dead stuff was cut away from underneath, I can't wait to burn it in the fire pit, it always smells so good. I was also able to plant all 120 little flowers & herbs that had been started in flats outdoors, not sure if they will all make it through the dog/kid traffic, that's why I started so many.
The harvest this weekend was more lettuces -
and TWO little spears of Piricicaba broccoli! We may not get any more than this since it's getting ready to bolt in the heat already. Broccoli does much better in the fall here than spring it seems.
While the kids ate pizza (store bought, yuk!) for sleepover night, we had salad!
I never get sick of salad the way I do squash, zucchini and the like. I could eat salad with every meal and be happy.
This morning I looked for a tank top to garden in and maybe get a little sun to no avail, apparently I ruined them all last year, so I had to get a little redneck again - yep I just cut the sleeves off a t-shirt! I've never done this before but it felt kind of liberating!
Brace yourself for what's coming next...I'm a murderer!
Above are my blackberries, below are my raspberries. They are on either side of my split-rail fence garden.
And now they are....GONE!

I know this might seem crazy to some of you, but here's the deal... we have got to start getting away from so much high maintenance looking things and start integrating a lot more "pretty" into the garden since we are hoping to sell in a few years when the market bounces (hopefully) back. In the unfortunate event that we would have to do a military transfer, not be able to sell and have to rent our place out, can you imagine what would happen if things like raspberry canes were left to the charge of the average non-gardener? I shudder to think what the yard and garden would look like. So on each side will now be my hollyhocks! Hubby also built a few trellises for me today and I transplanted some of my pot-bound clematis to climb on the teepees we placed there. I'm hoping it will look a little more like a cottage garden and a little less like a "garden at all costs" garden LOL, you probably know what I mean, space is a premium - you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!
Please forgive me for ripping out perfectly good berries - it's for my future sanity!
All that's left tonight is to make dinner, 3 more loads of laundry, get the kids into bed and collapse. I hate admitting that I'm addicted to a tv show, but I am - and will be watching Army Wives tonight after everything settles down, I can't wait! Hope you all had productive weekends or at least the sun is shining and finally warming up your northern gardens - you all know who you are :)