Did some freezer cooking:
I was very excited to see 2 of my spinach plants survived the winter and are now actively growing again, meaning I had fresh spinach to put into my freezer batch of stuffed shells!
Below, I was able to make enough for dinner plus freeze enough into gallon bags for about 4 more dinners. It's always a pain to do freezer cooking, but it's soooo nice to just pull them out of the freezer, top with sauce and pop in the oven when I'm feeling overwhelmed!
For you meat lovers out there.... mmmmmm! The kids were also excited to see the twice baked parmesan & garlic potatoes, but of course were NOT excited to see the nightly reappearance of the beans! Good news is that I can finally see the end of the garden beans in the freezer!
Just for fun, notice anything about the cheese below? We kind of have a running joke here that whenever hubby slices cheese for me, it breaks up into states. I'm not kidding, this always happens! This night however, it was exceptionally weird since instead of one state, I broke my slices and they fell into these shapes: do you see them?
Utah, Wisconsin, Ohio, Louisana, Idaho, and Tennessee maybe? It seems to be our household version of the vision of the Virgin Mary in a cereal bowl or something. Hey, I warned you of the random food musings!
How does this happen?
Is it even possible to love reading yet be unable to keep up with the constant flow of reading material that finds its way into the house? One day...
Off to drown in paint again!