right now

right now

May 25, 2010

Me, Speechless?

yeah, I dug an asparagus bed out by hand today, by myself... wish I would have had this bright idea a week ago when hubby was still here. Speechless.... and tired.... good night y'all!


  1. What I can't figure out is where you found ROOM for your asparagus bed! How many roots did you plant? Even ten(!) would be one heckuva lot of digging! (No wonder you're pooped tonight.)

  2. What happened to sittin' around eating bonbons? ;)

  3. hahaha...I get no sympathy from my spouse. However, I will offer you some of mine.

  4. Thomas, I know what you mean, to them they laugh and figure "well, you dug yourself into that hole" literally, LOL!

    Dani, bonbons! ...got any?

    Mama Pea, there is no room, I don't know what I was thinking...

    Kelly, this is ALL YOUR FAULT!
