right now

right now

Jun 5, 2010

kinderGARDENS Week 8 Update

Inadvertent Farmer

Here we are at Week 8 and things are really starting to grow now!  Just a couple of the bean plants have latched on to their supports to create the "green roof" but I am noticing the ornamental gourds are starting to send out their first tendrils and so should be attaching themselves in the next week.

The heat is now in the mid 90's daily so I am getting nervous about those plants up so high in a planter box... it seems every year I forget how hot and humid it really does get!  Since the kids picked some heat loving beans and squash type veggie vines, I am hoping we will be okay, otherwise our "green roof" will be a brown roof!

The kids' Peanut Box is starting to grow well now, if not a little spotty, but hey - that's what you get when the kids do the planting!

Check out The Inadvertent Farmer's Week 8 Link Up to see other participant's progress!

Happy kinderGardening!


  1. It looks like it's so far so good to me!

  2. Lol...that header is great!

    Yeah you have lift-off of the roof...it is so fun watching it grow!

    I would love to grow peanuts here but unfortunately they would drown, Kim
