right now

right now

Feb 20, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a very productive weekend, in spite of terrible weather.  We had a mini-nor'easter come through Saturday through today and it brought lots of miserable wind, cold temps and rain with just a bit of sleet last night.  Good thing I hadn't started any seeds outside!

Still waiting on seeds to arrive, should be today I think, so nothing to post plant-wise until they show up.  We did however, have a good ol' redneck weekend.

The older Subaru has been curbside for the past 6-8 months.  Mostly because it wasn't a priority since hubby rides his bike to work every day, rain or shine.  It didn't need much, just for him to put some belts on, reattach a fan and fluids and working on an exhaust leak.  And fuel... LOL it hasn't had fuel in it for a long, long time :)

Loch didn't show much interest in helping, but Finn was all about it.

Note the hammer... can you tell my husband is an F-18 jet mechanic?  They aren't known for their gentle touch, instead they are known for working fast, fun with J.B. Weld type compounds and making things work with whatever is around.  Make you feel safe?  LOL...MacGuyver Mechanic :)  One cool thing is that he changes jet tires all day long so he can rotate tires in like 5 seconds LOL!  Good thing Subarus are such hardy machines, they can take whatever is thrown at them, even if it's a hammer.

One last step of getting the battery charged and it's road-worthy again ...

Next up was my healthier version of redneck comfort food.  Baked chicken with Panko, our own garden's green beans with wild rice.  

Not satisfied with ending our Saturday night there, we headed out for some shopping...

For a fun Saturday night we headed to... where else?  Northern Tool & Equipment!

Finn covering daddy while he checks out log splitters that are completely unnecessary where we live :)

On to hubby's favorite aisle... he's been trying to come up with a convincing reason he needs one of these for over 3 years now.  Someday...!

Crummy weather outside Sunday meant more comfort food.  This time I was cooking from jars and was able to use up some of the canned stewed tomatoes...

 in a Spicy Chicken Sausage & Bean Soup!

Today hubby is off work so he and Finn are outside in 30 mph winds and 38º temps power washing the house!  We haven't done it in about a year and the siding was green, yuck!  Not good when you are trying to sell the house, so I'm excited to get that chore checked off the list.

I'm inside for the rest of the day catching up on lots of little things that have been building up around here.  I will also be looking for a place to set up my seed starting rack and lights today.  I will have to wait until Wednesday to lug out the lights and chains and stuff, we are showing the house tomorrow evening and I don't want the potential buyers to think it's a grow house from the light emanating out of the shutters as they pull up!  We don't have too many lookers in this market, so after this showing the paraphernalia is coming out!

I just checked on hubby and Finnegan - it's a good thing there is a lot of that Chicken & Bean soup leftover because they are wet and frigid looking!


  1. Oh, that food looks so good, Erin!

    And hubby sure wishes we had a Northern Tool around here. Oh, who am I kidding?--I'd like one too. I've always preferred "man" stores.
    And garden centers. Can't forget those!

    1. Sue, I'll take a Mills Fleet Farm or any feed store on a Saturday night too LOL!

  2. That boy is totally thinking "Mom, you're ridiculous. Get that camera out of my face". Hahaha!

  3. Now I did not push the reply key,so lets see what happens--lol first off ,Finn ,your hired. Second,your hubby is hired,oh,I know he has a job ,but he sounds pretty handy to have around.Maybe the Navy won't let him go?that spicy sausage beans looks good,I'll have to make-up the ing. as I go.I am having a time making recipes for Jerry after that last dentist trip. just about everything goes in the food processor.oh,Ive found foods he doesn't have to chew but they have so much sodium that if the cancer doesn't take Jerry ,the salt will.oh,he's doing OK,as far as I can tell.will learn more on the 28th,hopefully or maybe this no news is good news IS a good thing

    1. Judy, now I'm using the "pink box" for what it's for LOL! Although I definitely need to get in there and change the color one of these days. You sure have your hands full, you do so much, I'm praying for you!

  4. Looks like a productive weekend, Erin. We got a bit of snow from the front, but barely enough to take notice of.

    Thanks for telling me that you could not comment on my blog. I had the same problem with Sue's the other day. Thought it was strange that she would not allow comments.

    I can not for the life of me figure out how to get the comment form to work. It is enabled, but does not show on the blog. Guess it's not working. Guess all I can do is hope Blogger is working on it.

    Have a great week.

    1. Lorie, that snow just missed us - it didn't get any further south than about Williamsburg. Sue doesn't have comments enabled on her garden blog anymore it's just read-only, but she has another blog you can comment on :)

    2. Thanks Erin. It seems to be a Blogger issue and nothing I do works. Started a new blog and no problem there with the comment form. What's a girl to do?

  5. I had to laugh at the Northern Tool bit- we had a hot date to Menards on Sunday afternoon... Ooo, PVC pipe for plumbing reroutes that are next on the agenda. But I did get to peruse the garden section- and... left without ANY seeds. Aren't you proud of me?

    And, um, our deck needs power washed- do those guys hire out??


  6. Don't 'cha love productive weekends? I had one also. We need to power wash our place, I am dreading it... Subaru's do seem to be tough lil' cars. Lyndsey has one with about 60,000 orginal miles on it. The body is a rust bucket but the interior and engine are great. I'm kinda tired, can you send me some of your yummy soup so I don't have to cook?

  7. I am coming to your house to eat from now on. Seriously. Your food always looks sooooo good!

  8. that food looks really good! Has reminded me that I haven't eaten yet so now I'm gonna go and make myself a salad..... ok, it will be meat with some vegtables...... ok, it will just be meat.......

  9. Do you ever get the feeling we're just a bunch of big ole nerds?hehehe

  10. That Finnegan is a big help, isn't he? He seems to be interested in everything! I love your comfort food. It makes me feel good just looking at it. Although, I would rather be eating it....

  11. Sounds like a great weekend to me! How about sharing your recipe for that soup??? :)
