right now

right now

Jul 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Or is it Valentine's Day?

Blanched Hearts!

The fight continues this morning...

Above, the Brandywines.  Below, blight has hit the Hillbilly tomatoes hard.  They are looking scraggly due to all the pruning of affected branches.  Any bets on how long they can hold out?  It's 100ยบ so I don't think it will be much longer :(

Speaking of Independence Day...

This morning the one of the two baby doves took flight.  It was more of a divebomb from the basket to the ground, but it's a start!  Now we have to be very vigilant when we let the dogs out and give mama time to herd them under cover.  They can fly halfway decently, but they seem to just sit there, I don't believe they know who the predators are quite yet, so mama is always nearby.  

I hope to salvage some of the day today since hubby did end up getting this afternoon off.  Not sure what the agenda will be, but I'm sure it will involve water, food and maybe some pressure canning!

As one of my friends said the other day, "Party Like It's 1776!".... hope you have a great day!


  1. I have been following your blog and wanted to say how much I enjoy reading it. I'm sorry that you are having problems with insects and disease. I too am trimming tomato leaves. I joked that some of the tomato plants look like trees...the leaves starting so far up the stalk now.

  2. Along with my 38 heirloom plants, I planted a row of the new, hybrid early and late blight resistant tomatoes. After two years of losing them all, I decided to try them. These plants really make me laugh, and I will need to do a post on them. At least you are getting some tomatoes, I know that is no consulation. Enjoy every bite.

  3. Nice potato. Do you have the heart to eat it?

  4. I'm noticing blight on the lower leaves of some of my tomato plants a well. I pruned them off today but something tells me it's gonna spread. How do you like the Hillbillies? I grew them last year but I think I got bad seeds because they didn't look anything like a true Hillbilly.

  5. Backroadjournal, hello and welcome! It seems we are all having troubles of one kind or another this year, hope you are able to get a decent amount of tomatoes, it's so hard to lose them when we spend so much time tending to those seedlings!
    APG, back atcha!
    Jane, I can't wait to hear about them and how they do, I'm thinking the blight resistant seed packets will sell out early next year since so many of us are having to start integrating them!
    BeyondMyGarden, LOL, it went right into a German Potato Salad!
    Thomas, my Hillbillies don't look like the photos either, the ones that do turn a nice red/orange swirl are rather small, and I have others that don't even look like the same tomato - they are large and all orange! They feel ripe so I pick them since I know if I left them on a few days longer "just to see" they would get insects!

  6. We have one tiny green tomato on our plants so your tomatoes are making me envious, blight and all.
    Happy 4th of July to you. Hope you have a wonderful time when your hubby gets off work.

  7. Happy 4th, Erin. Hope you ended up having some fun!

  8. Sparkless & Sue, it's thunderstorming like crazy here and I admit I'm glad... I was too tired to go to fireworks LOL!

  9. Sadly, if we partied like 1776, most of us would be under the table still this morning. ;)

    Don't forget that tomatoes are also called "love apples!"
