right now

right now

Jun 16, 2011

Ready or not...

Here we come!

Good morning from the garden!

Today is the last day in the low 80's, starting tomorrow the heat comes back, I'll be trying my darndest to enjoy the day today and hopefully finish out the evening with a rainstorm as the warm front moves in tonight.


  1. Oh lucky you...warm weather crops already!! I haven't even planted my cucumbers here at the house.

    Enjoy your day before that nasty heat arrives once again!

  2. I'm kind of thankful that our warm weather hasn't even started yet this year. Usually by this time of year I'm ready to move to Alaska in hopes of finding some cooler weather.

  3. oooh, love your harvest! can't wait 'til we have some of the same here in western Kentucky. meanwhile, I'll be happy with the single yellow squash we harvested yesterday!

  4. I was just given 6 wonderful tomato plants to get in .Now i need some potting soil-I know sounds ridiculous but I told you I have a brown thumb and I need a miracle to keep things a live-I won't buy miracle grow but something similar when I get the $$$. It really did us in helping my daughter pay for that new tranny.MINE MIGHT LOOK LIKE YOURS BY THE END OF AUG. MIDDLE OF SEPT. IF IT DOESN'T SNOW EARLY LIKE IT DID LAST FALL.

  5. This weather has been wonderful, hasn't it? We have rain this morning and even it is nice. I am sitting outside writing and need a light jacket.
    Be sure to save your leaves this fall then turn them a couple times. They quickly turn into a great growing medium for next year's tomatoes. If you don't turn them, they are a good mulch with plenty of leaf mold (a good thing.) We had horrible overused dirt that grew bad to none of everything we planted two years ago. One year of the leaf stuff made the garden wonderful. We did it again this year and thinks look good. (Yeah, I know that doesn't help you this year.)

  6. I hate you.

    Not really, but it dropped into the 40s again last night. I think it was a record low for this date in June, and our furnace was running this morning. Our furnace never runs after about the first week in May. I guess we'll have to develop a taste for fried green tomatoes, 'cause mine are never going to ripen if we don't get some warm weather. It's 65 right now, and it should be 85 :-(

  7. I have a sticks with a few leaves on it. Somehow I am convincing myself that they WILL produce tomatoes. It might be December, but darnit, I am hoping for tomatoes.

  8. Well, I sure am glad at least I started out the day with the pretty pictures, I'm sure if you've seen my latest post you know why I can't comment on any further armloads of tomatoes LOL
