right now

right now

Feb 7, 2011

I've been in hiding the past 3 days...

Thanks to my wonderful hard working husband who worked 18 hour days in 120º heat in the Middle East for the better part of a year to earn some tax-free bucks, meet the newest member of our family:

 (lots of husbands come home and spend their money on big screen tv's, video games, etc... not mine - he's definitely a keeper!)

The IRS delivered the refund early (I'm still in shock over that), and I was able to bring her home on Friday!  I researched about 7 machines over the past month and finally settled on this one.  I will admit that I used my experience in sales to score quite a bargain on this and got some expensive accessories thrown in, too.  I'll probably write about the machine at a later date since I know how hard it is to have to search and search for reviews and recommendations.  I'll work with it for awhile so I can provide a more experienced review on it.  Right off the bat though, OMG I HAVE A MACHINE THAT WORKS!  I took a cue from Mama Pea's self-imposed quilting retreat and took the whole weekend to read manuals, play with all the features, and finish my very first quilt.

My binding wasn't wide enough but at least I know what to expect next time.  I also found I need to seriously work on an ergonomically correct table/chair for next time as my back and neck are very sore from quilting for 6 hours straight... but at least I got the "very first quilt" out of the way without any serious property damage or suffering any panic attacks LOL!

Below is the big reveal... it's a bit Marsha Brady (whom I love!) and I think will look fantastic on my patio table with a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a few glasses.... now if that sun would just come out already!

Close up of the "Marsha Brady"-ish floral print :)

 Here is the back side for the quilters out there.  Not very exciting, I know - a simple grid pattern.  I don't trust myself to stitch in the ditch quite yet.  My technique still resembles winter driving, it's more of a "slide into the ditch"... LOL

Below is what happens when hubby and kids decide to cook dinner so I can quilt.  Pizzas of course, but also Finn made pretzels and Loch made some cinnamon rolls with daddy's help :)  Nobody said things would be healthy when mama's busy, but it sure was delicious!  At least it wasn't Ramen Noodles.

Sadly, I have to put the new toy away for a few days while I take care of some garden-related things.  The mess in the attic (lights and heat mat, chains and ext cords) got hauled down and I can now start my first flat of seeds for 2011.

See - there's plenty of messy stuff in the house, it was just stuffed up in the attic!

Now I'm off to spend some quality time with a notepad and the garden binder/seed stash!  Tomorrow's the big day.


  1. I think your first quilt looks great! I love my machine but seldom have time to use it anymore.

  2. The quilt looks beautiful. I love my Innovis. Great choice. Can't wait to see what else you make.

  3. O M G!!! Congrats Erin! It's well deserved! I've never seen a digital sewing machine before. Looks like you got quite the SWEET deluxe package. PS, I am loving your quilt!!

  4. Beautiful quilt Erin, and very fancy machine. You definately have a great guy there-and he cooks too! What a catch. Have fun with the seed starting-I'm watching with ENVY!!!!!!!!

  5. It's me again---I'm really liking your new font. How do you change that?

  6. Congrats! The new addition to your family is just lovely! and your quilt turned out fantastsic. And what a great family to "take care of themselves" to let you work away. It really is very thoughtful. Many blessings to your family of 5!

  7. What a lovely quilt~! It's hard to believe it's your first one! The colors and prints are really nice. You are something else - I'll be interested to hear your review of your newest family member.

  8. I love your first quilt! It's wonderful! Your machine looks like a good one too. I'm sure you'll have many years of great sewing with her/it/him. Have you named your sewing machine yet?

  9. OOOOOO!!!!! Congrats!! On both the new machine and the first quilt. And I've found in the past that when you are quilting for 6 hours ergonomics don't help that much. The importance is to take regular breaks- you hear that- breaks! Even if only for a few minutes. One of my quilting instructors used to make us do yoga stretches periodically during our retreat weekends.

  10. Fullfreezer's comment above is right on. Nobody can spend so many intense hours at the machine without doing bodily harm to themselves! (I should talk, huh!) Get up, do a few jumping jacks, easy stretches, lie down to stretch your back out, etc., etc. It really helps. You'll probably have to set a timer to remind yourself to stop now and then!

    Can't tell you how great your first quilt looks. Ab-so-lute-ly fantastic! You are off and running in good style. Can hardly wait to see more.

  11. P.S. Your three boys helping by supporting mom . . . PRICELESS!

  12. How fantabulous! I can easily peace my front together, but never ventured in quilting it together, just basting the sides together. You're my hero. You'll love the brother. It's a great machine.

  13. Beautiful quilt and I love the "Marsha Brady" print!

  14. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!!!! That's sweet Erin!

  15. What else does that machine do besides sew? It's FANCY! And that quilt -- gorgeous! I love, LOVE it! Nicely done. I'd like to make a quilt for each kid, plus one for me and hubbie, but I find the process kinda intimidating. But then again, I used to think that about knitting socks! Thanks for the inspiration.
    P.S. More messy house pictures please. I'm starting to get a bit of a complex here!!

  16. P.S. Hey, I can comment!! But only on my laptop -- I still get that weird Google error when I use my desktop. How weird is that??

  17. Erin, is there NOTHING you can't do? (Double negative there, I know, but I like the impact of how it sounds.) Truly, you amaze me.

    I've had fantasies . . . well, maybe just wishes . . . of wanting to try quilting sometime, but there just AREN'T ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY, are there? That, and I'm afraid it would drive me batty - trying to get the points perfect and matching and and . . . !

    Too, I'm envious of you having electricity so that you can start your seeds! Having lived on a tight (off-grid) electrical budget now for the past 4+ years, I think of all the things I would have done back when I wasn't living off-grid: start seeds, put up more Christmas lights during the holidays, keep the chicken house at a much warmer temperature (and, therefore, have a higher egg production), etc.!

    At any rate, I'm having fun living vicariously through you! :)

  18. Thanks everyone for the kind words! It's a really simple design, but it's still a quilt LOL!

    Sue, on my page I clicked on "design" in upper right corner of blog, then click on "template designer", then "advanced", and that brings up a choice of fonts to use.

    Fiona, the machine also makes cocktails and sweeps the dog hair... LOL! Glad your laptop worked for the comment!

    Chicken Mama, I would think you hit the lottery if you suddenly started quilting - I would have to come up there and look for all the staff that had been employed at Swamp River Ridge to enable you to have some free time!

  19. Congrats on the new machine, your right, hubby is a keeper.

  20. Ummmm.....is it awful that I bought a sowing machine a year ago and it's still in the box unopened? Hahahaha...I wish you were my neighbor, I'd make you teach me!

    The quilt looks awesome by the way!

  21. Thomas, you MUST make Jonathan a garden tool apron! I can just picture him with his rubber boots on and a homemade trowel belt!
