right now

right now

Aug 30, 2010

Child Boot Camp

Where has the summer gone? It was so hot the past few months it has put my big plan on hold:

Child Boot Camp!

Hubby and I have been longing for years to be able to do some of the things we enjoyed before kids, with the kids - namely backpacking, hiking, canoeing, etc. Of course we got the backpack to carry the kids in for a hike, but then who carries the gear? Then, they were too old to ride in the backpack, still too young to carry their own. This brings us to now: they are 7 & 5 years old and it is time they gear up and get their hike on and see if they can hold their own.

I took the kids out to the wildlife refuge here for a hike this weekend to see how they would do. It was a nice breezy 85º, got the sunblock and bugspray on and headed out. At this point all I want them to be able to do is carry their own water and maintain a relatively decent pace. Loch really has no issues, he's becoming a real carbon-copy of his daddy and was eager to get started and in addition to his Camelbak, he carried the binoculars, cell phone, first aid kit, sunblock and bug spray inside his pack. Unfortunately, my battery in the real camera died and all I had was the crappy iPhone camera along, but it's better than nothing.

Map of Back Bay Wildlife Refuge, we are very lucky to have this ecosystem in our own backyard to explore, I just wish it was cooler this summer!

Finn as ready as he'll ever be leaving the parking lot.

Through the salt marshes, kids learning all about watching for snakes, we saw tons of beautiful wildlife along the way: turtles, osprey, blue herons and lots of seabirds

Is there nowhere to escape this? See that flag in the sky? It's a GEICO banner headed to the resort strip - ugh - we're trying to commune with nature here, people! Tourists go HOME already!

The dunes are in sight

Up and down, a good test of their stamina

Finn lagging way behind... I told Loch he was a real outdoorsman, to which Finn replied "well, I'm an INDOORSman"!

Almost there!

They made it to the beach! Now they have to hike all the way back...

Congrats, boys - 3 miles total!
Finn not looking very happy afterwards. In my defense, he looked like this 100 yards into the hike, and I had just splashed him with some cool water!

Loch wants to know when we can go again, I think next time we will take the bikes and they can bike the refuge gravel road, maybe Finn will like that better :)

Today's harvest was a small one, but that's okay with me as I really want to spend the end of summer having a little more fun with the boys. Note to self: me & Loch's version of fun is not jiving with Finnegans!


  1. Look at it this way, like it or not, they will always remember the things you do together! I am pretty darned impressed that they hung in there actually! Lots to be said about that!

  2. Oh, I am with Finn. I used to walk and hike, but the last couple of years I find I'm an indoorswoman. I'm not quite ready for the rocking chair, but I'm getting closer.

  3. That's fabulous! Having hiked with my own kids, I recognized that FACE immediately!

  4. I have two outdoorspeople (I can't say men since one is my daughter) and one indoorsman. Yup, the complaints and lagging are annoying. The good news- it does get better as they get older- at least it did with mine. He will never voluntarily go backpacking but he can enjoy a hike with the family every now and then.

  5. Oh...i'd make them run the whole way. Hehe...Hey, they've got the energy for it!

  6. Awww, love that photo of Finn. That's how I look after a long hike / walk. Loch is quite the outdoorsman!

  7. Look at that kid! He's hilarious. I look like that after some hikes too!

  8. My boyfriendinlaw swears by candy -- "Hey, let's get to that rock and have a piece of CANDY!"

    In my family, we split. A couple outdoorsfolk, a couple of indoorsfolk. Oh well.

  9. Delightful post. Adorable, adorable boys. (Don't tell them I called them adorable. I'm sure that would not go over well.) Love those white sand dunes!

  10. What a fun time. Finn will remember this as a good time.............later!

  11. Hahahaha....Finn is adorable (and funny too). Jonathan is still in the stroller phase but I'm sure he'll be outpacing us in no time. (Depressing thought.)

    BTW, those are really great pics for a cellphone!

  12. I prefer cold weather hiking, the sun and heat does not sit well with me. We went in the rain last weekend, I missed the trails but have been avoiding the bugs and the heat.

    Beautiful stuff though - glad the kids did a good job!

  13. Oh, how I can relate to taking these hikes with kids! You never can seem to have them all happy at once. Congrats on getting them out there!

  14. Oh good, at least none of you thought I was a bad mommy! :)

  15. Are you in danger if Earl hits?

  16. Hi Cindy, we should be fine, just a bit inconvenienced with lack of power! I'll probably do a post on the hurricane prep here, but thanks for asking!

  17. very cool activities for making children real life experience and fun activities.
    Such camping makes the children more confident and adventurous.
    Thanks for sharing :)
