right now

right now

Apr 17, 2014

Mail Order Brides must feel like this!

Seriously.  Tomorrow is the day!  This is my umpteenth deployment but there's always this feeling - mail order brides must feel a bit like this!  So much fanfare goes into these homecoming meetings…  will he even like me?

If he doesn't, too bad.  We have papers already!  :)

I know, it seems funny but a lot changes over a year.  Schedules have to be adjusted to allow for another person being physically here, not just an idea at the other end of a computer.  I have changed.  For the better, I hope!  

A big one:  I cut the awful hair!

Now I'm a blonde.

Another good change:  I lost 15 pounds.  That was a lot on my short frame, and I feel better - I just hope he notices!

The kids are HUGE.  They both had growth spurts while he was gone, and I'm afraid it will be like pouring salt in a wound when he sees them.  At least after so many deployments we both have the wisdom to expect these kinds of shocks and try to prepare for them.

Today went by really fast…

We were greeted by the sight of his squadron's pilots flying in, the scream of SuperHornets never sounded so good.  Quiet is overrated!

Next up was to get the house super cleaned.  I joked on Facebook that the first child to get Spiderman footprints on my fridge or cemented toothpaste left in the sink will be caned.  Maybe that's not a joke… I told them to eat over the sink LOL.

Then it was time for "the girls" to get their blowouts and pedi-pedi's.  Sprocket is super cute in her purple bows but those had about a 2 second lifespan.

Got my bling for my outfit…

Why the "75"?

Then it was off to the "Night Before" party near the pier in Norfolk.

Loch was at a birthday party so it was just Finn & me.  Finn is looking every bit of his status as surgery recovery patient, but he needed the fresh air.  Maybe not the 48º temps and 40 mph wind gusts down there.  The weather is not going to cooperate tomorrow, but at least there is no rain forecasted.

My dad will love this one:  tonight's party was a typical D.O.D. event.  Scheduled from 4-8 pm, they ran out of food by 4:40 pm, although the Limbo and Electric Slide on the dance floor was going strong against a backdrop of a huge Security Briefing video being shown on a loop.  Pretty funny stuff.

Miles of cupcakes, however.  So that was dinner - because I'm not cooking!

It was really difficult to take a photo of the etching on the glasses we received tonight, but it has the ship and name on it.  Although I think these are pretty cool mementos to stash away, I'm pretty sure hubby will roll his eyes.  Not more ship….  !  Doesn't matter anyways I guess since they will get broken courtesy of our next government move :)

I saved the outfit for last!  This is bigger than prom, ladies.  You just don't divulge the outfit until the last minute!  Well, here it is…

And, courtesy of our current Polar Vortex I will most likely be covering it up with a trench coat!

If any family or friends are interested, this link will be active soon and will be streaming live the USS Harry S. Truman Homecoming tomorrow.

Welcome Home USS Harry S. Truman and Airwing
"Give 'em Hell!"
and especially

"Tonight, We Ride!"

 No sleep tonight… !


  1. Thank him for his service to our wonderful country & thank you & the boys for backing him when he is gone & even more thanks for welcoming him home!

    1. Aw, thank YOU… we have received so much thanks and support from people and we appreciate each and every one who does! I always think about those not so long ago that didn't have as much support and thanks as we enjoy today :)

  2. Also I just noticed the photo on the wine label…. I believe that is of the Straits of Gibraltar.

  3. He's gonna love the new you and the boys getting bigger is just a bonus. Now they can help with more chores. LOL!
    Love your homecoming outfit.

  4. Love the new do and the outfit you picked is just perfect. He's going to love and notice every bit! I'm so happy for you that this deployment is over!!

  5. Omigosh, I think with this post you just pulled us all into the huge bundle of emotions surrounding the coming home from a long deployment. My tummy feels jittery thinking of you all. The path you and your dear husband have chosen is a rough one fraught with trials and tribulations most of us never have to go through. Hugs to you all.

    P.S. Finn is growing up to look so much like his dad!

  6. Wow! I LOVE the new hair!!! I hope you get someone to take a picture of you in that outfit - so amazing. As you, your husband, your boys and the rest of the men, women and kids that do the hard work to keep us safe and sound. Congratulations on getting your family back under one roof! And - again - I am so glad you are blogging again. xoxo

  7. Erin, I'm reading your blog, as promised still here with you (shhh, I'm at work)! I am so happy for you and your guy and boys! And thank him for his hard work, but thank you and the boys for letting him go to protect all of us! I really appreciate it!

  8. LOOOVE your outfit! And your hair looks awesome! Thank you ALL for your service to our beloved country.

  9. OK - I've been MIA for about a year - and a blog stalker before that, but I have to say that I totally HEART the outfit. Big time.
