right now

right now

Apr 26, 2012

3rd Grade Research

I'm still waiting for the rain to subside so I can get into the garden, I can't complain though since we went from fire restrictions and drought to 5 days of rain, and it's been the nice steady slow rain that is so good for the plants.  I'm eager to get out there and check on the tomatoes and peppers, we had several nights in the low 40's, not good for them.  Today it is supposed to get to 80º and then highs more seasonable the rest of the week in the upper 60's.  

Until I can get some photos of the garden, I'll post the cool school projects that are resulting from the field trip last week to the National Zoo in D.C.  The kids had actual "research assignments" up in D.C. with different groups taking on different habitats to study and wasted no time in recreating them, as they were on display yesterday morning!

The kids have all done a fabulous job - I kind of wish I had time to make one, since it looks like a fun and creative way to spend the day, but I have so many more uninteresting chores to contend with :)

I should have labeled them, but I was pressed for time since I was on my way to go see Loch be recognized for making Principal's List yet again - that means all "A's" on his report card and we are SO PROUD of him!  Still wondering where his real parents are - just kidding - he gets the smarty pants gene from my mom, it skips a generation, bahahaha!  Oh and I got another bumper sticker... now they give out little squares that say "Again" to slap over the original "my kid is better than (insert whatever here).  Clever, LOL.

Not to be outdone, Finn is unleashing his own creativity at home...

We are still discovering where Finn's talents lie, as you can see below.  We had a "talent night" where we asked the Cub Scouts to show the other boys "something interesting" LOL... Finn chose to show the boys how to tie a tie... I'm not sure if the boys were impressed or holding in their laughter!  The reason Finn doesn't wear a uniform is that he isn't old enough for our den yet - our Cubs call him their "mascot" :)

Just to make sure my post is sufficiently random, here's a stir-fry fix for Mama Pea!  Still working on lots of peppers, beans and snow peas in the freezer...

It looks like the sun is starting to creep out, so hopefully I will get some end-of-April garden photos this afternoon!  


  1. How interesting - you have a 'left brainer' and a 'right brainer'! Both talented (cute) boys! We all know where they got both -- from their MA (and Pa)! I am looking forward to some actual spring weather. I've got seedlings that need homes badly.

    1. Actually Loch is also really great at music and art too but Finn is a real mystery to us,

  2. WOW! Loch has done it again, no surprise cause he is one clever boy. And I see Finn is going to be one to watch too. Learning how to tie a tie is important stuff for boys. I don't even think my husband knows how to tie one properly.

    We've got rain too and lots predicted for the rest of the week. I had hoped to get out in the garden but instead I'm stuck inside.

    1. It never did clear up and is raining again tonight, better luck to us tomorrow :)

  3. I am impressed by the projects, what a great school system your kids are in. Is there a final Finn's art photo to show us readers?

    1. Kelly this is the gifted academy for math and science so Loch is getting a bit more in depth with their projects and trips than most, Finn is in regular mainstream classes so I'm sure they are like what most are used to. I just asked Finn what he was painting and it was a "smiley face" he says LOL

  4. Those projects are quite impressive! It reminds me a little of when I was in the third grade (I think!?) we were studying the states. I got Arizona. We had to do displays of exports, climate, population, etc. I still remembering stripping heavy gauge copper wire to hammer into little ingots for my train load of export products.
    And, as always, your food makes me hungry, even though we just ate!

  5. Who the heck cares where Finn's talents lie? He's a very happy, well-adjusted little guy who will have no trouble getting along in the world and that's what matters. I still say Loch is going to grow up to make oodles of money and support you all!

    As for giving me my stir-fry fix, you have no idea how much it was needed. (I would have paid you big bucks if you could have delivered that to my house tonight.) We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. Seriously. Sympathy? Anybody going to give me sympathy?

  6. I love the photos. The kids' projects are so impressive. I'm with Mama Pea re: Finn and Loch's futures, and sorry Mama Pea, no sympathy here.
