right now

right now

Aug 7, 2011

Scenes from Sunday...

While the cat's away...

The mouse will work!

No?  That's not how that rhyme goes?  My kitchen says otherwise.

Maybe I should learn how to high pressure aerosol can this stuff LOL... nah, my neighborhood isn't that bad... 

What was the weight limit on glass top ranges again?  I seem to have misplaced that manual, LOL


It's a lovely day out there, heat index of 105º, hot breeze blowing.... how 'bout you?  I will need medication to live here much longer!


  1. OMG-got enough hot peppers?
    Do you ever stuff them?
    I didn't grow any this year and am sure regretting it. You know---it was SUPPOSED to be a cold year! Yea. Right!
    Have fun!

  2. You may need medication to live where you do, but you also need an intervention so you don't plant so many peppers!! I know you cut down the number of plants this year . . . but obviously not enough!

    Our weather is supposed to be heading for a cool down. Today was lovely. No humidity, 85 degrees with a slight breeze. Down to the 70s next week. I hope. So they say. Wanna head north?

  3. Sue & Mama Pea - it's a perfect pepper year! LOL, we actually use about 1.5 pints of jalapenos a month all year, so I nailed it with 3 jalapeno plants. The first year I gardened I planted 9 plants, now THAT was too many, I was getting over 100 a week then.

    I do stuff them occasionally with cream cheese and sausage, top with shredded cheddar and crumbled fried onions and broil... YUM, but as you can see, not very healthy so I only do that if I'm having a party LOL.

  4. Ohhh those jars of yummy stuff are making my tummy rumble! We are going to have a ton of tomatoes this year if the plants don't die or something get the tomatoes. I really want to make some salsa so I'm on the look out for a good recipe that isn't too vinegary.

  5. With all those pepper fumes floating around your kitchen, how do you know the the actual temperature? It could have been the capsasin raising the mercury. My eyes hurt from here.

  6. Sparkless, I hope you do get a bunch of tomatoes! This time I made freezer salsa, no vinegar!
    Judy, you should have seen it 2 years ago, was out of control, thought hubby was going to have a pepper intervention for me :)
    Jane, no kidding! I even had my safety glasses and gloves on but my sinuses were burning!

  7. Sadly we'll still be dealing with high temps until middle of Nov. *sigh* I might need some meds too. ;)

  8. Wow! Talk about a haul of peppers! And I had to giggle about the "weight limit" on the glass top stove. One of the houses we were going to move to had a glass top stove and I was freaked out about canning on it. Your pictures mad me giggle!

  9. I find it ironic that canning season coincides with the hottest month of the year. Our kitchen was mighty humid last night. Soon, we'll be making loads of tomato sauce and salsa as well.

  10. I have two glass burners and nothing has broken yet!

    Hey, what's your recipe for pickled pepperoncinis? I've been trying several ways and am not completely happy yet.

  11. Your pepper pile looks like mine. I only put in one chili, hot banana and jalapeno plant and I can barely keep up with the harvest. I see that you have a glass top stove and a serious canner, the All American? I didn't think they could be used on glasstops.

  12. rmgales, SO sorry! I just came across your comment and question as I've been recovering my old hard drive and emails that were lost! That is indeed an All-American, and as far as canners go, that's the one that can be used on a glass top range, the smaller model...BUT it states on the label it should not be used there.... although I did plenty of research and found dozens of people using it successfully and called Frigidaire and was told as long as the canner is flat bottomed (it is) and doesn't extend more than 1" from the burner it would be okay. I just make sure to rotate burners every other canning project so as not to put weight stress on one area of the cooktop exclusively. It is awesome and boils quickly - my old steam canner could barely get up to a simmer after an hour of trying LOL
