right now

right now

Jul 22, 2011

The relatives are coming!

Tomorrow.  Where the heck are they going to sleep?  I guess this could qualify as another in my "Living Small" series, where do you put an extra bed in a 900 sq ft place with only 2 bedrooms?  If you haven't gathered this by now, I love a good space challenge, I live for this stuff!

Go, go, gadget...bed!  

We are the new owners of what I call the "Gadget Bed"!  This is a queen size airbed by Ozark Trail that is actually on a collapsible frame, which is great for a travel/camping bed that actually doubles as a real looking guest bed, and you can make the bed without using any kind of special sheets or anything.  When you are done, the whole thing collapses down to a wheeled travel bag, so you really can take it camping or wherever.  You can see it here, it's hard to find in stock online, making me think they might be discontinued but we found it locally in a Walmart store.  I see Cabela's also sells the frame separately if you already have a mattress.  This folds up in less than a minute!

Travel Bag (it's about the size of a large duffel bag and will easily fit into a closet or under a bed)

I don't generally devote loads of time into reviewing products, but when I come across something that I really need and it does the job, is multi-purpose and stows away neatly, I feel a duty to share with anyone else that lives like they are underway on a sailboat!

I slept on it last week to try it out and it was pretty nice.  I'm not sure if that's because the bed was that good or if it was because I had the whole bed to myself without hubby and the CPAP monster mask/machine next to me :)

The surface of the bed is the wavy type air mattress with a zippered cover, so the only thing I would recommend is that if you were using this for an extended period I would recommend splurging for a quilted mattress cover that would be more bed-like.  Lucky for me, brother and sis-in law are avid outdoor people that camp and hike and I think will be fine.  Ha, are you listening L?  You'll be fine..... :)

Here it is all made up, tucked into the corner of the boys' room


If you don't mind bunking with Thing 1 and Thing 2,
come visit - we have room for you!

If you know me at all, now you know I'm not crazy when I say that I'm thinking that I should keep that room as a family "bunkroom" and turn the below bedroom into one big ol' quilting studio! The house would be one big kitchen and quilting space, haha!  

Can't you just see cubbies lining the walls and a big quilting island table back there?  Sleep is highly overrated, anyways.  I swear, it's really not the heat that is making me have crazy ideas!

I wish we had a group of dysfunctional family members thrust together in this tiny space because that's just plain fun blog-fodder and a good social experiment, but the truth is that the kids' Aunt Lauren & Uncle Mikey are just plain fantastic people, easy to please and fun.  There won't be any good dysfunction to write about LOL.  Although maybe they are a little crazy to leave the dry heat of Phoenix for our Amazonian rain forest 110º in July!

Not sure how much I'll blog the next few days, I'm a bad multi-tasker when it comes to vacation time, either mine or someone else's!


  1. Have a grand time!!!
    We've got a futon in the sewing room that doubles as a 'quilt wall' and guest bed. But I've got to clean it up before we have guests in 3 weeks. EEK!!
    Hope you all stay cool and safe.

  2. Oh please, please, please put something under those bed legs! I can see them scratching your beautifu, beautiful floor! Have fun with the fam!!

  3. Did I just actually see a picture of a QUEEN SIZE bed you fit into the boys' room?? (Most bedrooms aren't even big enough for a queen size bed alone!) Unbelievable what you can do that nobody else could!

    It's fine if we don't hear a peep out of you while your family is visiting. Just take lots of pictures and make notes of all you did, said, ate, drank, drank, drank, etc. and fill us in later.


  4. Judy, I would LOVE to have a sewing room - right now I have a cool table though that folds down and has wheels on it and I can store my machine inside... go-go-gadget-sewing room LOL
    Ribbit, LMAO! Those "beautiful floors" are 99 cents per sq ft laminate! They are already jacked up around some of the edges from my constant moving of furniture. Someday I'll have real floors and I won't know how to act!
    Mama Pea, the boys actually have the Master Bedroom so they could have their own bathroom out of the way and we wouldn't wake them up at night, I guess technically it's only a 1-bedroom house since ours is open with only big French doors... ours is more like a den/office space but I make it what it needs to be :) I'll take photos but L is pregnant and I'm a lightweight so it will mostly be pics of the men being fools LOL

  5. boy I had to read THAT twice-I thought you wrote I am pregnant-now I see the L--HAVE A FUN TIME WITH BRO.I did not start any rumors---ha,ha

  6. You will be visiting more than sleeping, so enjoy! I am sure you will have lots of good blog fodder without the dysfunctional part...we hope!!! Enjoy your family!
