right now

right now

Apr 29, 2011

One more thing...

My first ever cinnamon rolls!  Oh, yes... I made these at 0'dark thirty since I was up to watch Will and Kate!

Kate was gorgeous, and well, you all know how I feel about men in uniform :)  I still remember watching the wedding in 1981, I was just the right age to love the "princess" stuff then and apparently part of me still likes it, since I woke up everyone to watch this morning, even to my own surprise!  Tell the truth, now, how many of you watched it?  I also want to know how many of you had the Princess Di haircut "back in the day"?! :)

ok, now I'm going outside to work...


  1. Stop it, stop it, STOP IT! I've about had it with all your luscious cooking and baking. You must send samples to all of us who read your posts or stop tormenting us like this!

  2. Ok now I might be a downer here, but I was upset that ALL the news channels had the marriage of two British royals and no mention what so ever about all those poor people who have lost their homes and families in the south. I could even see covering the wedding and then back to the real news, but after the wedding they just talked about it more. I dont care who made Kates shoes when our own people have no where to go. I don't have cable so I am at the mercy of ABC, CBS, and NBC. Not great channels when it comes to stuff like this.

  3. Okay I'll admit it I was up most of the night watching the coverage of this wedding. I have to say it was simple and beautiful but kinda boring. Not a toe out of line anywhere or anything to talk about.

    And now I'm craving cinnamon buns!

  4. Mama Pea, what's funny is that I don't even really like cinnamon rolls, they are SO sweet, but we had tea and sweet rolls for the wedding since the alternative of dry scones didn't seem that rewarding for the baking time!
    Jane, I totally get it! Since we had deaths from storms here last week and this week it's been the only thing on our tv, the local news has even been pre-empting evening shows for coverage so I needed a bit of a break :)
    Sparkless, you should have seen my husband when I woke him up at 4 am to "watch the wedding" LOL... that's why I sweetened the deal with rolls, but he slept through most of it til he had to leave for work :)

  5. If I had a TV, I would have watched it. I remember getting up at 0 o'clock for Diana's funeral. I sat in my neat little apartment in Duluth and drank tea and shed a few tears. Now, I didn't have the Princess Di haircut, but I had ALL the books published about her style, etc.! And then the Prince William book, etc. I'm still p*ssed at what an ass Prince Charles is and how she was nothing more than a pawn - even tho SHE went into the marriage with every intention of true romance! What, me bitter? (Don't even get me started on Camilla!)

  6. P.S. Scones done right are ANYTHING but dry! You must try them next!

  7. Didn't watch it. We don't have any T.V. reception now since we decided Directv was a pure waste of money so now we get our news from Yahoo and the ones I read were about the disaster here in the South.

  8. Did not watch it, and thank you for the picture of the dress - my grandma went on and on about it today and I had to say "I haven't seen it yet". :) I think the rolls you made look divine! YUMMMMM!

  9. I watched the wedding, but unfortunately without cinnamon rolls!!!

    Enjoy your blog, will be back when I am not so tired (went to bed at 5:00 this morning for an hour or two) to scan thru your archives.


  10. I watched it for a few minutes. Would have stuck it out longer if there had been some yummy cinnamon rolls involved.

  11. Am so glad those blizzard warning for north Dakota are not for us or I think even I would head for the hills!The wedding was nice,simple the way I like things.So glad everyone in your county is alright. I did not do well the short time we lived in Kentucky. The storms,especially the electrical ones, scared the day lights out of me.

  12. I did not even remember that it was one, but once I cracked open the laptop that morning I was sucked in. Who doesn't love a royal wedding?!?!?

    The dress was beautiful, but an inch too low cut IMO for future royalty. Maybe I am just showing my age or conservatism. :)
