right now

right now

Apr 4, 2011

got weeds?

I sure do.  After the last 7+ days of temps in the upper 30's and low 40's, rain, hail, and sleet - I woke up to temps of 60º at 7 am today, woohoo!  You know where I'll be all day...

pulling weeds!


  1. Why do the weeds seem to grow better then everything else??? I think you will be busy for a little while :)

  2. Weeds - the never ending story...

  3. No doubt about it. Those little bugger weeds will take over in short order if you don't keep on them. At least you have nice weather to work outside today. Imagine more sleet and rain and looking out at the weeds growing, growing, growing!

  4. It's a rainy day here today. Have fun pulling those weeds. You could have a nice dandelion, chickweed salad.

  5. I love pulling weeds! Especially after a rainy day. When you get the entire root and that sucker just slides out....ahhh! how satisfying! Have fun!

  6. I don't mind pulling em'---we've got sand and they just pull right out no problem. Ya know, if there's not SNOW on the ground. Which there is. Rats!

  7. I must be tired of this endless winter -- I'm even envious of your weeds!

  8. Well I hope there is beautiful weather and WEEDS in everyone's future LOL!

    And SUE! I know I can't leave a comment on your blog, but I want to tell you what a beautiful post you just wrote... the thanks we get from everyday "regular" folks like you are why make the financial sacrifices and endure being separated from family... your words are truly special, and thank YOU!
    (and yes I agree, how messed up is that salary?!)

  9. Sue - (See we get to you one way or another!) Shall we even get into the grossly overpaid athletes we set up as models for our children. The same athletes who don't seem to exhibit one bit of moral fiber as they rape, murder and steal because of their sense of entitlement? Sorry, you pushed one of my buttons.

  10. Thanks you two! Such sweeties you are!!
    And yes, Mama Pea, after I posted that, hubby did mention athletes. And CEO's of mega corporations........oh , the list is long, very very long.
    Boy....anger issues I have. Must get back into the garden---an oasis of calm. Ohm......ohm.....
