right now

right now

Feb 22, 2010

Of Bathrooms: Indoors & Out!

Hubby got home last night and I got my camera back! Here's the new bath!

My new sink rocks! Makes me want to floss more. My husband laughed when I put up the extendable shaving mirror... I have always wanted one of those, don't really know why, they are just cool...

He also returned with some photos on the camera from his "guys only" weekend:

This is where they left my car... you should have seen it when he pulled back in the driveway last night, it's caked with mud.

The cabin they hiked into, 3 hour hike through the snow to get there from where the car was parked. It's owned by the Appalachian Trail Club, who does maintenance on the primitive shelters and trails in the area. Although this had no heat and an outhouse, this is definitely not one of the primitive ones! It had a fireplace and wood cookstove inside to provide a little heat.


I know there are alot of outhouse art fans out there, this one is photogenic! I may enlarge it and frame it for my new bathroom!

View from the outhouse/privvy

Roaring fire, was 20 degrees in the stone house/cabin!

He was wrecked when he got back last night, lasted long enough to strew backpacking gear and dirty laundry around the house and mess up my bathroom, then fell asleep!

So now it's back to catching up on the garden stuff, namely, my next seed sowing! I have been neglecting that the past week with the remodeling but will dive back into it tomorrow morning.


  1. Holy Crap(hehehe)Erin! The bathroom is totally AWESOME!

  2. Wow! The new bathroom looks great. Is the extendable shaving mirror the only mirror in the room? I couldn't see any others. The sink is amazing. Enjoy your new room!

  3. Ooo...that is one awesome bathroom!

  4. LOL, Jo, you made me laugh until I went back and looked at the pic... it does look like that but, no - there is a large mirror above the sink, it just happens to be reflecting the opposite wall in it and it's a frameless mirror so you can't tell! (Maybe the little shaving mirror SHOULD be the only one in there, LOL!)

  5. Holy Houseplant in the Bathroom! You go, girl! Love it.

    You've always wanted an extendible shaving mirror? I had no idea you had a facial hair problem. (HaHaHa!)

    Your husband's little trip looked wonderful. I love that cabin they stayed in. I'd love an isolated winter in a place like that. (Well, maybe with provisions for a little more heat.)

    New bathroom came out pretty nice, wouldn't you say?

  6. Your bathroom looks great! We've been camping in a few states, but along the Appalachian were always our favorites (ok, feeling homesick now)...

  7. That sink is to die for! I wish our bathroom were oriented like that.

    Looks like he had fun.

  8. WOW! That makes my 70s era bathrooms look pretty sick. I wish Mr. H was good at remodeling, but we've been there, done that, and I'm surprised we're still married ;-)

    LOVE the sink.

  9. Wow! and I'm not meaning this negatively, but the design so totally matches that of your kitchen. Fantastic!!!!

    Those low temps in the cabin only assure you of more warm snuggle time....although make sure he warms his feet first.

  10. Ribbit, that's funny, it was a "guys only" weekend, I will be sure to ask him though if he warmed his feet before snuggling....

  11. Well you two sure whipped that together in no time, it looks great!

    So the dogs eat in the bathroom huh? La Leche may have a huge problem with that one. (HA! I know you will get that one as a BF'er.)

  12. Thanks everyone! It sure makes me get ready faster in the morning since I now look forward to getting out of bed and showering in the new bathroom. I figure I'm getting 45 more minutes of work done in the a.m. LOL. Kelly, that's hilarious! We have tried putting their dishes elsewhere in the house, but it's so small in here there is nowhere that their dished don't get tripped over except the bathroom. I am sure they appreciate the new landscape in there too.

  13. Awesome job!!!! I LOVE that sink! It's huge!

  14. Ha! I didn't even realize it was a reflection of the opposite wall. Shows you how observant I am! I just thought you reaalllly liked storage shelves, even more than mirrors!

  15. The bathroom looks a dream, Erin! I am a fan of the extra-wide sink and all the organizational units. It looks almost like an adult playground!
