right now

right now

Jan 15, 2010

Don't you DARE laugh!

Yes, they're for me.... SHUT UP, SHUT UP.... I TOLD you not to laugh!

You're just jealous of my happenin' Friday night, I knew it.


  1. I'm not laughing at all! I'm jealous. Although I think I may have a friend lined up to help me learn. Yeah. I had absolutely no success last year trying to teach myself from a book.

  2. *snort*

    Just kidding. I have two left thumbs and I never could learn to knit. Or play the piano. Or type.

  3. I'm 1000% behind ya, girl! You'll conquer this, I know you will. I'm gonna be so proud of your first knitted swatch.

  4. I love to crochet. One hook instead of two. I can't fault you. If this goes sour, try crochet!


    Rock on with yah bad self! ;)

  6. There are also videos on YouTube for learning to knit.

  7. I would be the last one to laugh. I own knitting needles and crochet hooks myself...an I'm a dude. :)

  8. I'm in the middle of a three day knitting color workshop. Why would I laugh? Kids knitting is a GREAT book. Good color use, too.

    The more knitters, the more we take over the world. Have you signed on to Ravelry yet? Here, have some koolaid. . .

  9. I can do the "knit," but I never got the hang of the "purl," so I crochet. If I really really really wanted to learn, though, I would use children's books, too. Hope it works!

  10. I would never mock one learning knitting on a Friday night. I was in university (where the legal drinking age was 19) watching "Mean Girls" and learning how to knit on a Friday night with friends.

    That's a bit more tragic, I'd think. :P

    But look what people in my neighbourhood did with such knitting skills: Knitffiti!

  11. You are all very kind! I finally progressed beyond "casting on"! I am now knitting (of course) a scarf! I will post pictures (then you can really laugh) and progress soon. Kenneth, the knitgraffiti is awesome!
