right now

right now

Jun 22, 2009


I would just love to know what Loch's kindergarten teacher thinks of our family...here's a great moment caught on tape! Loch came home with a picture he drew in class of the homebrewing process, so I had him explain the drawing to me on video to capture the moment for daddy. He drew in great detail the primary & secondary fermenters, spigot, hops, capping, etc! While I am mortified, my husband is probably busy showing the clip to everyone on board his ship and beaming with pride in his son's detailed tutorial...

And this evening, I was able to put a child to work retrieving some creamer that was all the way at the back of the shelf - take a good long look, it's not often I can refer to a 4 year old as helpful!

That's all for tonight, I intended to take some pics of the garden, but it was a bit overcast this afternoon so it will have to wait for tomorrow. And yay!- more severe t-storm crawlers on the tv right now, for like the 7th day in a row! My plants need SUN, not more rain and hail!


  1. Oh, that is funny! But he did a wonderful job on his report. He's very talented and mature for his age.

    I need one of those four-year-olds to reach up to the top shelves for me!

  2. That is so cute! He is quite the student to get all that down. And I LOVED hearing the mid-west accent, thanks. Mine is all gone now and I talk like a NewEnglandah, though some still ocassionally ask where I am from so I must hold onto a bit of it.

  3. This is so priceless! He is so bright. You are doing such a good job with your kids. Peace for all

  4. Hahaha, I love that video! Maybe he can teach my husband a thing or two about the home brewing process.
