right now

right now

Jul 5, 2012

4th of July Celebrating

We had a fun morning yesterday - we had a nice potluck breakfast and children's bike parade at church. Really nice that we were at it by 9 am and done by 11 before the heat got too intense.  Before breakfast our congregation sang an impromptu National Anthem without accompaniment and I'll admit we sounded pretty darn good - lots of wet eyes during that one :), of course we are a largely military congregation so we are patriotic to the nth degree!  It was a great morning and lots of fun for the kids and grownups.

Having a little fun with the 4th of July harvest:

I was up early to assemble the annual Patriotic Trifle...


Finn with his scooter all ready for the parade!

Did someone say it was for kids?  I didn't catch that!  Of course my Beach Betty had to be decorated for the 4th of July too, she lives for this stuff!  (And I made the hubs put some flair on his roller skates!)

Kids all lined up and ready to roll...

The Bike Parade!  
(hubby is bringing up the rear on his skates)

Afterwards, I spent the middle of the day inside catching up on my magazine pileup, hubby and the boys went to the pool on base for awhile, I don't know how they can take the heat.

After dinner, the hubs and Finn went out for a paddle around the inlet near the oceanfront.  Loch stuck with me, I guess we are the wimps who can't take the temps outside.

We all headed to the beach to watch the fireworks once it got dark (still 93º at 8:30 pm).  I'll spare you photos of fireworks, I know that's kind of annoying so I don't take them.  I really wish I could have better captured the stunning moon we saw rise up over the Atlantic, it was bright orange and really pretty, but you will just have to take my word for it since my little camera doesn't do fancy moons :)

Trust me, it was orange and awesome.

And what is it with RUDE people today?????  The entire time we were watching fireworks all the people around us were blinding us with camera flashes and lit up phone screens in the dark, ugh!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July full of time spent with family and friends and good food!


  1. Rats . . . wanted to see you riding Beach Betty in the parade!

    1. That's probably a good think I wasn't filming and riding at the same time LOL, I lose more and more coordination every year! A few adults laughed that hubs and I decorated too, but hey - we're the Cub Scout Leaders, we are allowed to get in there and get crazy with the kids hahaha!

  2. That Finn has a lot of style. And he really looks serious with his kayak gear. I really don't know what's up with people. They are so self-focused that I don't honestly think they realize there are other people around them.

    1. Susan, it makes me wonder why people even go out to fireworks if they are going to be on Facebook in the dark all night - I made sure my kids knew that was NOT acceptable behavior! It scares me sometimes what they are growing up with as the "norm"!

  3. Looks like you all had a wonderful 4th of July.

    I remember when we used to make fun of the tourists who would get off the bus and madly dash around taking pictures. We thought they should be enjoying the experience not taking so many pictures they weren't even looking at anything. Now the rest of the world is just as bad as a bunch of tourists. No one takes the time to just enjoy something they have to take pictures to prove they saw it and then post it and brag to their friends. See it bugs me too.

  4. Love Betty! What fun it looks like you all had. That is what summer time is all about.

    1. Jane, we're trying in spite of what Mother Nature keeps dishing out. Or are we just gluttons for punishment LOL?!

  5. Oh my, that Trifle looks divine! I bet it was a big hit! For the first time in several years we didn't get together with the neighbors for the 4th of July. Too hot, too dry and a Wednesday to boot. It was a nice day for just the four of us though...

    1. Anke, being a Wednesday definitely put a kink into things - fireworks at 10 pm and hubby was complaining that he needed to be in bed for work the next day!

  6. I think the company that sells those little kyacks should be paying Finn-he looks adorable in his safari get out

    1. Judy, he is pretty cute LOL how cool would that be if he could earn a buck or two for his keep that way hahaha!
