The Baker Creek catalog arrived just in time, considering I have spent the better part of the last week stuck inside. First Finn was sick, now Loch... it's amazing that hubby and I haven't gotten it. Looks like the nasty norovirus, blech!
Along with finally getting some time (no choice!) to go through my seeds and catalogs, I've been able to get some random small chores done inside. You know, the ones that get tossed aside easily but when they are done, it makes a world of difference!
Like... cleaning my desk. My mind feels less cluttered now, too.
Cleaning the freezer, isn't January the month for inventory? This appears to apply to gardeners' kitchens as well as retail! We are doing well still, as evidenced by the frequently appearing stir fry this time of year. Still oodles of peppers and snow & snap peas to go through, but the canned tomatoes have dwindled down to 2 quarts.
I finally got the "canning closet" organized this morning. I've just been stuffing clean jars, lids and rings in there as we used up stash, but it was getting pretty dangerous every time I opened the door. My "Big Dummy" moment came when I organized the bottom 2 shelves, which contain my seed starting stuff, and it actually fit... I thought "wow- how did that happen?". It didn't, LOL... I realized later that about 95% of my stuff was missing and that I threw the stuff in the shed last year and thought to myself that I'd get to it later.
Yep, much later.... as in not until it was time to start again! Below is what I found in the shed, all sliding off the shelves. I zoomed in because I'm too embarrassed to show you all the junk all over the floor I will have to clean up before I can get to my seed flats!
I know I have a few weeks yet before I should start stuff, but now that the "seed has been planted" haha, I'm finding it hard not to start dragging out the lights, shelves, etc. Yet I KNOW that I will be complaining about the mess and garish lighting very soon... still can't help myself... isn't this the very definition of having an addiction? :)
I know it's not very mom-like of me, but why oh why do I have to be inside with a bottle of bleach on a holster and it's 70º outside?!! I'm sure Thing 1 will recover just in time for the rain moving in tonight LOL...
I got my Baker Creek too! Those pages are pretty enough to frame, but I have no place to hang them.
ReplyDeleteI'll not take photos of my shed yet, either. Mr. Granny has piled all the patio furniture in there, and thrown a couple of garden hoses on the floor (why did I bother installing hose hangers?). I tried to get to some flats yesterday, and had to take a rake to reach up and pull them off the shelf. Thankfully they are still in one piece. It's so annoying when I cannot find nor reach anything that I need. I might have to bundle up and have a shed cleaning project going.....but man, it's cold in there!
Yeah, being stuck inside sucks when it's so beautiful out. Hope the little mans feel better and fingers crossed that you and The Hubby don't pick it up.
ReplyDeleteHang in there. Can you nip out when they nap? Being organized is its own reward (just keep repeating that). I'll think of you when I reorganize the yarn closet.
ReplyDeleteDon and I have the creeping crud...I'm looking at it as a 10-day diet plan. I can't taste ANYTHING, so food has lost it's interesting hold over me. Poor kids--and watch out-Don had this a full week before I got it. And here I was being all smug.............
ReplyDeleteAw, such a bummer that the boys have had to go through the yucky sickness . . . no fun. I guess the thing to be thankful for is that all four of you don't have it at once. (Double yuck.)
ReplyDeleteYou are having 70 degree weather? Even though our winter has been much warmer than any winter in NE MN should be, I just can't imagine 70 degrees this time of year.
A favor . . . Will you PULEEZE stop posting pictures of your stir fry meals??! I can't make a good stir fry for love nor money but I would gladly eat one of yours every night of the week. Honest. Yes, I would. They. Look. Deeelicious!
Mama Pea, all 4 of us, yikes I don't even want to think of that! And yes... my windows are OPEN right now! Stir Fry is the easy peasy dinner around here! Olive Oil, Chili Garlic Paste, little soy and a really HOT pan...
DeleteI just noticed the "reply" feature on the comments, so you are my guinea pig for this type of reply :)
wait... why is it in pink? That's wierd...
DeleteBaker Creek is one of my favourite catalogs, thanks to you introducing me to them years ago! I'm glad yours finally showed up--I was just about to mail you mine if you didn't get one.
ReplyDeleteDon't you wish you could grow vegetables as perfect as the photographs? Every year, I say "I'm going to control myself" and every year I do not. And how DO you create stirfrys that are so perfect? Mine taste okay, but they are never as picture perfect as yours! Hope (hope, hope, hope) you and hubby stay healthy.
ReplyDeleteGran, you just stay warm - you have plenty of time to get all that stuff organized! That's what I'm telling myself, anyway!
Dani, I sure hope I don't get it too, this whole house will come to a screeching halt if I get it, and if hubby gets it I might need you to bring your banjo up here and with Loch on fiddle you guys can pluck out a "woe is me" tune. Yep, he's like that when he's sick LOL!
Stefaneener, I have been trying to catch up on emails and zzzz's while they nap, unfortunately much of their "sick festivities" were carried out in the middle of the night, I'm just tired :)
Sue, I hope you are feeling better very soon! These things always seem to wipe you out for a few days even after it's gone.
Kenneth, a true friend is one who would even entertain the thought of giving up their garden porn to another gardener! :)
ReplyDeleteSusan, I dunno, I just do what I replied to Mama Pea's comment. Honestly, if there is one dinner that gets made too much around here it's stir fry because its easy and stress free, like mac & cheese! Hubby and I don't mind, but I think the kids don't care too much for all that veggie goodness, they just pick the meat out if there is meat in there LOL
I have a sick one in the house too, but I will bet money your little sick one is much more tolerable than the big sick one I've got. I am not sure why a bad cold makes a man regress. I wish I had at least a 1/4 of you organization skills.
ReplyDeleteOh that catalog looks wonderful! Glad yours finally arrived.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear the kids have been sick with a tummy bug. When my kids were little they got those several times a year and me and the husband never caught them until a few years ago. Now I seem to catch everything going.
I'm working on me junk shelf today and will post some pictures later tonight. I feel the need to clean and purge!
That catalog is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe that you just got yours. I received mine in December.
ReplyDeleteWe are having some crazy warm weather too! It was 63 degrees today!
Baker's Creek catalog arrived here just yesterday, and I spent the rest of the night marking off my list. Wonderful garden porn! Now I've really got the itch to plant things too. Tomorrow night's Master Gardening meeting is dedicated to seed starting techniques, and a seed swap. Oh, boy!
ReplyDeleteI ordered half my seeds from Baker's Creek this year (although, I didn't get a catalog, just looked through online). And boy, I really feel ahead of the game. I have all my stuff ready to go AND I have seeds already started (just onions, celery, and parsley)!
ReplyDeleteI hope the boys get better and that you don't catch it!
I finally got around to organizing my seed starting stuff as well. Whew, what a job! I realized that I need a couple of things (but not much) since a couple of my old trusty flats have cracked.
ReplyDeleteIan has had the stomach crud- it's been running rampant through the high school. Fortunately none of the rest of us have gotten it.
LOL I posted that same photo of my seed starting stuff on my blog just the other day. Glad I'm in good company.
ReplyDeleteHoping everyone gets better soon, and that you don't get it. I keep stressing because I'm thinking I should get my seeds organized, but the time keeps jumping past me. Maybe your great pictures will motivate me?
ReplyDeleteJane, the big guys always have the biggest whine when they are sick!
Sparkless, seems like the purging is going around, the home kind that is LOL!
Robin, I know! I'm a little miffed by the late arrival as I'm a good customer every year and do my fair share of plugging them! They will only get about 1/4 of my order this year because of that, and because I resorted to flipping through Southern Exposure's catalog instead, which is a local VA company to me so that helped push me that direction this year!
Trailshome, hope your meeting was fun!
Kaytee, wow celery! That's cool, we can't really grow that down here.
Judy, some of mine cracked last year too but I didn't pitch them, now I'm sure I'll figure out which ones the first time I water LOL!
Liisa, it's definitely time to think seeds!
Ruth, don't worry you have time! You have a lot going on right now :)
Your stir fry looks awesome! I love doing that for a quickie dinner. I think we have some peas in the freezer, too, now that I think about it. Looks like those will be on the menu soon!
ReplyDeleteWant to know the thing I notice in the picture of your seed starting things?? It looks like you have already washed the containers. Look at the bright side - you are one step ahead before you even start!!
I was going to tease you about not blogging for two days because Baker Creek had arrived, but I can't now. Poor Thing 1! Give him a hug from us. :)
ReplyDeleteI just love Baker Creek seeds, and ordered a bunch of awesome varieties last year. Can't wait for my catalog to arrive as well!
ReplyDeleteLoved you blog! Keep it up...
That looks like a great catalog. I need to clean my entire house! I need a rainy day! haha