right now

right now

Apr 27, 2009


Gaaaaahhhh, it's HOT!  We went from cold to 90+ degrees overnight here, and it looks after 4 days, it's here to stay.  What happened to spring?  Since the husband is off fighting evil forces, or at least "training" to do so and all my veggies are now in the ground...we decided to do just about NOTHING all weekend, and it was glorious!  I am not used to doing nothing so the first day was a little uncomfortable for me, but by dinner we were at the park.  Kids playing, me in the shade reading a book and not even checking my watch.  The next day more of the same, kids to the park, then home to veg out in the A/C until late afternoon until they begged to go in the pool.  The pool was just filled a week ago, so I thought they were crazy and explained how cold it would be, but they didn't care one bit and it was so hot out I was even contemplating it.  I had a group over to the house on Saturday night and hoped to adopt out all my seedlings that were ready for their new homes, but I still have some left!  I am hoping to find homes for them all by the end of the week since I will be drowning in tomatoes if I don't get them out of here!  So that's it for the action around here over the weekend.  And if my sailor-farmer is reading this from afar...your Hops are growing and are about a foot tall now, loving the heat!  I will leave you all with a few pics from around the homestead of what's blooming now...enjoy!

Azaleas Blooming...Finally!

Prostrate Rosemary

Peas with Garlic & Shallots in background

Cool groundcover called Mazus...spreads far and flowers look like little butterflies!

Hosta peeking up

Bee Balm I think...






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