Jan 26, 2017

Odds and Ends

This week has had me busy doing all kinds of last minute chores and preparations around the house before I go in for surgery.  Yes, surgery!  By the time some of you read this, I will be under the knife getting a whole bunch of metal pins, wires and screws out of my knee.  This is the second part of a long process I have been dealing with since last summer.  Needless to say, I am actually looking forward to this surgery and being able to eventually (hopefully) get some type of normal back.  After my first surgery I was actually in an immobilizer for 2 MONTHS, and couldn't drive for 4 months.  It was awful, and very isolating.  After many months of physical therapy I was doing pretty well when my hardware started working its way out and became obvious that it needed to be removed in order for me to progress.  The shrapnel in there was never designed to be permanent, so I knew this was coming.  Just hoping that recovery isn't as long this time since it should mainly involve muscle and tissue healing and not bone.  In short, the past year has been.... challenging.  Also the reason why my garden didn't really happen for me last summer!

Anyway... in prepping for my surgery I've spent most of the week doing things that are going to get very neglected in the coming weeks - cleaning the house, cleaning aquariums, laundry, prepping freezer meals, grocery shopping, etc.  I won't be able to go upstairs after surgery, so I had to make sure the kids cleaned their room, bathrooms, etc. I shudder to think what it will look like up there next time I am able to climb stairs!  As for grocery shopping, hubby is perfectly capable and willing to do it, but I am such a bargain and sale/coupon shopper that I know he would spend more than I would so it's easier for me to just do it.

I have been working on refreshing my sourdough starter over the past month.  I was having some issues with the dough rising for a couple of weeks but I think I just needed to be patient while it revived, because last night, this happened!  Finally!

Crummy cold and rainy weather has had me doing lots of "one-dish comfort meals".  I'm hoping the boys paid attention so they can assume some of the cooking while I am down and out!

I will try and check in as soon as my painkillers wear off... I definitely don't want to blog while medicated, who knows what I might write?!


  1. Sending all good thoughts for a very speedy recovery from this surgery, needless to say! I know you will do everything possible to work your way back to normal in as short a time as possible. Your boys (including that biggest one!) will be able to take care of themselves and you during your recovery. It just won't be the same way you would run the ship!

    Do keep us all updated on your progress.

    That bread looks DEEEE-LICIOUS!

    1. Thanks! I can already tell this surgery is going to be easier to recover from than the initial one that involved the shattered bone in the kneecap healing. The boys have already been a great help. The husband, however... is sleeping on the couch like he is the one that had the surgery!

  2. What the heck happened to your knee!?! I have pins and plates in my ankle but, thankfully, they are still firmly imbedded because I will not enter a hospital again unless I am unconscious. At least you won't set off any alarms when going through airport security...hope it all goes well and heals fast.

    1. Thanks, Sue! My kneecap was shattered in June into way too many bits... my surgeon was able to save 8 big pieces to wire and pin together and tossed the rest of "the dust" LOL. It was actually horrific, but luckily the kneecap healed very well. My hardware isn't the kind that can stay in, and it was actually backing out and the figure 8 wire holding the whole patella together was starting to pop off (its all visible when looking at my kneecap, eeeew!) so it was time for it to go. I will always be "aware" that my knee isn't quite right and have arthritis in it with the weather, but now without the hardware I'm hoping I can really make even more progress in therapy. I have to start all over again though but it should go faster this time since it's not actual bone healing this time.

  3. If sheer will and strength of character will do it, you're there. Here's hoping you heal fast, and with a minimum of pain.

    1. Thank you, Karren! I'm just glad I'm recovering in the winter instead of ruining the summer this time!
