Jan 19, 2017

2-4-6-8...What can I depreciate?

This week is filled with things that are completely uninteresting to blog about!

Rental properties, a home daycare business, military stuff, 3 different states to file in plus Federal means I am a busy girl right now!

Of course before any of that can happen, I have to organize my files, shred old stuff, clean my desk... which morphs into cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, etc.  Anyone else find themselves in "Preparation Mode" before tackling a large project, then feeling like all kinds of other unrelated stuff needs to happen too?  

Oh yeah... I believe it's called PROCRASTINATION!


  1. So, THAT'S what it's called....I've got a bad case of it myself.

  2. I'm the same way. Simply cannot start any big project unless I have "my house in order" first. No, I don't think it's procrastination. It just clears the mind and enables us to actually concentrate on the big task at hand without having that little voice in our ear saying, "Good gawd, if you don't clean that kitchen/bedroom/bathroom/hall closet the health department is going to cordon off your home and declare it a safety hazard."

  3. I'm glad I'm in good company!
